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Jerikovn. 16
Oslo, 1067


This is the Datamatik SCADA online store. Datamatik acts as a distributor and project integrator for Motorola Radio and SCADA products.

The company specializes in Remote Control Operations, Supervisory Data transfer, Mototrbo Tetra digital telemetry transfer.

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DMR 4G modem + phone patch

This 4G modem once patched at the back of the DMR repeater transfers Emergency Alarms via SMS using the LTE infrastructure. The control room is able to join the radio calls using a phone patch mechanism. Portable radios are also able to place a phone call outside their private DMR network.

This product comes as a replacement solution when the 2G networks are being closed-down.

Most EU countries have scheduled to close down their 2G network infrastructure by 2025. The DMR 4G modem comes as a replacement of the 2G digital phone patch. Once plugged at the back of the DMR Repeater, the modem acts as a stand alone patch towards the phone line. The product includes a range of smart features to forward Emergency Alarms via SMS including the name of the operator, the radio alias, the position, a link towards a map, a voice-recording of the last 10 seconds transmitted by the radio, etc…