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Jerikovn. 16
Oslo, 1067
This is the Datamatik SCADA online store. Datamatik acts as a distributor and project integrator for Motorola Radio and SCADA products.
The company specializes in Remote Control Operations, Supervisory Data transfer, Mototrbo Tetra digital telemetry transfer.
Aerodrome Vehicle Tracking
Introduce vehicle or personel tracking at your airport with no additonal infrastructure cost. Use the existing digital radio network infrastructure (Mototrbo, Tetra) to transfer telemetry data (GPS position, process & control data, live-business metrics, video images).
Wind turbine data transfer
Remote ESD control
Include a UHF telemetry link to strenghen your emergency shut-down control system.
Maritime data transfer
Use the existing Mototrbo, Tetra infrastructure on-board to transfer telemetry data to the key-side. Include on-board business metrics into the operational envelope.
Ski lift monitoring
Bi-directional radio modem networks are well suited for the remote control of ski-lift equipment. Live-measurements are transmitted to a central control point. The business center can optimize the ski-domain enveloppe based on the metrics (snow quantities, live temperature, amount of visitors, incident reporting, sfaff tracking location, etc...).
Remote Offload Operations
Start / Stop a remote transfer of crude oil from the FPSO to the receiving tanker.
Valve Control
Geothermal Plant Control
Fish Farming
Fire Detection
Bullet-proof communications. Choose to introduce a UHF radio link into your fire detection system to resist the blast of an explosion. This technique is mostly used in the army to resist the damages created by a bomb.
SKI DATA wireless
Civil Defense Sirens
Use the tetra infrastructure to trigger the civil defense sirens country-wide. The ACE1000 offers remote testing capabilities or upgrades. Siren systems are reachable individually via their IP address.
Alarm Dispatch for Radios
For operators on the field, a direct access to the alarm-list helps to lean operations. Let’s take the use case of an emergency door being openned in the international terminal at the airport. The security agent receives a message with the name of the door being openned as well as the closest gate.