OMTS - Offloading Monitoring Telemetry System
Alexandre Van Damme
The Norwegian Oil & Gas recommended guidelines for Offshore Loading Shuttle Tankers -Guideline No. 140 - page 16 describes the use of an offloading monitoring telemetry system - OMTS to safely transfer the production of crude oil from the FPSO to the receiving tanker. The transfer is authorized by the broadcast of a green line signal which is interlocked by both the FPSO & the receiving tanker.
The OMTS is designed to integrate the exisiting FPSO transfer pumps control systems using a Motorola Remote Terminal Unit - ACE1000 and a couple of Motorola Radios. The ACE1000 is responsible to guarrantee the integrity of the radio link and shut the transfer in case of a loss of signal. For more information, please contact us directly.
Unlike other OMTS systems available on the market, this solution is portable & easy of use. A set of 2 handheld radios is delivered to the shuttle tanker inside a pelicase.